Corporate Communications

Corporate communications play the most pivotal role in organizations and businesses. It is the perception a company’s public relations team creates to be its identity. It is also the pathway of communication between the organization and the public.

The core function of corporate communications is the management of all external and internal communications. The primary processes that are part of this vital communicational function include:

  • Staff newsletters
  • Internal presentations
  • Investor correspondence
  • Media or press releases
  • Social media and more.

The ultimate goal of every corporate communications team is to create an impressive image of an organization in the industry. They have to build a favorable reputation with the primary stakeholders, including the general public, investors and employees.

Corporate Communications- How it Works

Every corporate communications team has to focus on creating a program that is par excellence. Here is what a typical program includes:

1.     Builds Corporate Identity

First and foremost, every corporate communications team must make their company a workplace and household identity. They must capture the general public’s attention by defining who the company is, what it does and what it is offering them.

For this end, the teams must devise impressive messages regarding the brand and creating a dignified reputation for it externally and internally.

2.     Employee Engagement

The unparalleled success of any organization depends on the engagement level of their employees. Internal engagement is vital to success, from the top tier right till the lowest in an organization. One important thing to remember is that employees are the leaders of external communications. We can call them brand ambassadors, who are primarily responsible for the maximum social reach.

It is imperative for every company to provide their employees with appropriate tools for engaging in communication on its behalf.

3.     Company Reputation

The company’s identity plays the most crucial role in many ways. It helps establish the company apart and also impacts its reputation. We can also define a company’s identity as brand credibility and it all depends on the expertise and trustworthiness. These two elements are most visible when customers use the products and services and verify whether the business has delivered what it promised.

This promise is the image that the corporate communications teams curate to help public identify with the mission the company stands for. It also reflects what is most important to the corporation and its functions.

Corporate Communications- Major Domains

You will typically find three principal areas in corporate communications. Let’s take a look at them below:

1.     Organizational Communication

The public relations industry has a critical role to play in organizational communication. In this principal area, you will find specialists from corporate advertising, public affairs, public relations, investor relations and corporate advertising fields.

2.     Marketing Communication

Marketing communications and corporate communications go hand in hand. This area undertakes the bulk of the budget that businesses allocate to them for selling and sponsorship, direct mail and other vital and relevant processes.

3.     Management Communication

Management communication transpires mainly between the management and their audiences, both internally and externally. In this regard, specialists have to play a critical role to ensure that they deliver messages effectively and secure heights of success for their internal and external business.

Corporate Communications Department- Its Main Functions

We wouldn’t be overstating the fact when we say that communication pertains to a widespread range of activities and functions. It is true that the corporate communications department has to overlook multiple activities at a time.

To make the major functions easier to understand, we will group them in categories below; according to the roles the activities play within a company.

1.     Crisis Communication

Time and again situations can occur that threaten the existence or reputation of a company or organization. In situations like these, the communications team must devise a specific message that portrays the company’s stance in the face of such a crisis.

The team must act strategically and create a plan to tackle the issue as best as possible and even enlist outside aid if need be. The strategies aim to:

  • Protect the reputation of the company and its right to continue doing business
  • Communicate with government regulators, attorneys, politicians, emergency responders and relevant authorities as need be
  • Prepare company representatives on the appropriate things to say regarding the company crisis in front of media and its members
  • Arrange news briefings and organize interviews so that company representatives can discuss the crisis and show their side of the story to the public

2.     Marketing and Customer Communications

 In the past, you could see a distinct boundary between the communication and marketing departments but companies have now eradicated it. Now the two departments work in unison and devise strategies together. They work collectively to boost marketing and collaborate on both the vital company functions.

You will now find marketing and communication teams collaborating on general customer communications as well as marketing materials.

3.     Public and Media Relations

This function is primarily the company’s means of engaging with the general public or media in communication. It does so in the following ways:

  • News conferences
  • Product launches
  • Press releases
  • News monitoring
  • Devising strategies to address misrepresentation or misinformation by media

4.     Internal Communications

Communication teams are not only responsible for delivering the company’s messages to the external audiences but also regulating internal communication. The teams have a part to play in the following as well:

  • Internal newsletters, blogs and other publications management
  • Facilitating training, group brainstorming sessions for employees
  • Arranging printed materials
  • Records of employee resources
  • Memos, emails, company announcements, initiatives and news drafting

Final Thoughts

Corporate communications helps companies develop clear identities and unbeatable reputations. These are vital elements for a company that wishes to make its firm place in a competitive and crowded marketplace. While corporate communications seems like a trivial thing to many who are still unaware, it is indeed crucial for the company’s long-term benefits.

A company can only expect loyalty, commitment and a feeling of safety and trust from their customers if it is consistent itself. Your brand will only draw investors if it assures them about your organization’s expertise and high reputation.

All of this only happens when a company has a highly competent and high performing corporate communications team behind it!


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