Coding For Kids Four Crucial Tips To Get your Kid Interested in Coding

Coding or computer programming is fast becoming popular amongst parents for their kids. A whopping 90 percent of parents in the US have indicated that they would love computer programming to be taught in schools. This is because of the many benefits that coding imbibes in children at a younger age and sets them up for success in life later.

Coding involves writing computer programs using any of the programming languages available. Besides being a lucrative career option, coding also stimulates the brain and helps develop skills like creativity, math, problem-solving, and computational thinking, to name a few.

No wonder most parents in the US want their kids to learn computer science, according to a Gallup study. However, for children to take up coding, it has to be appealing to them. Here are four tips to interest your ward in computer science classes.

Find Coding Resources Online or in Locality

Coding or computer science can be intimidating for a budding mind. To counter this, it is advised to do some research and find suitable group classes or online courses with a well-crafted curriculum for children. A good coding lesson plan will be designed to teach coding concepts sequentially.

Also, look at online websites providing computer science answers in a simple and easy-to-understand language. These websites will come in handy when your child runs into a speed bump during his coding lessons. A good website will have a rich database of questions related to computer science ranging from basic foundation to expert level.

A good combination of online resources and well-thought-out coding lessons will have your child punching codes in no time.

Coding Is Not Easy To Learn Without a Capable Mentor

A mentor who is good with kids and understands how to make coding enjoyable for a child will make the whole process convenient. Moreover, one-on-one tutoring with a qualified and experienced coder or computer science tutor will be an excellent way for your child to learn programming faster and better.

Look around you; there must be a friend, colleague, relative, or teacher who would be willing to give coding lessons. Having a familiar face teach the basics will also help the child learn to code quickly. You can also find business listings by developers in your locality, which are willing to volunteer and mentor children to spread their craft.

As mentioned before, the personal interaction with a tutor is invaluable and makes learning enjoyable for the child. This can be done over Skype, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, among others. There are coding classes online that offer this service if you do not find an option in your circle or locality.

Gamify the Learning Process

Kids love to have fun! Period. If the process of learning how to code can be made fun, you can rest assured that your kid will take to coding like a bee to pollen. This is where Gamification comes in. Gamification has been the buzzword in the education sector for some time now since it makes it fun to learn anything.

A study has proved that gamifying a learning process increases the engagement and motivation to learn. Especially in complex learning like coding or computer programming, gamifying will help match your child’s interest. In order to make coding fun for a child, listen to what they would love to do with the skill they gain.

Once you know what the kid wants to accomplish through their learning, work towards providing lessons and resources to make that goal realistic. After all, the best education is the one that teaches you to pursue your passion and curiosity.

Choose An Age-Appropriate Coding Platform

The last step in making sure that your child develops an interest in coding is to choose an appropriate learning platform. A platform that’s too easy will bore them soon, and the one that’s too advanced will appear tedious and dissuade them from learning.

Therefore, it is a must to consider various factors like age and interests of the shield before picking a coding platform. There are two types of platforms – visual block and text-based. The former is best suited for beginners and kids between 5-7 years of age. Designed to be fun, visual blocks let children view, drag, and drop various blogs to create codes.

Text-based coding is ideal for those of age 8 years and above. The main advantage of this type of approach is to impart the knowledge of creating actual software or app. Such programs use real programming languages and actual coding tools but are taught in a manner that a child can easily follow along while having fun.

Now that you know what it takes to get your ward started on his coding journey, go ahead and look up coding classes online. Even if they do not pursue a career in coding, they will acquire life skills that will set them up for success.


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