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Cloud Computing Trends amid Coronavirus Pandemic

The pandemic of Covid19 has upended life as we know it. For millions of people worldwide, the year 2020 is likely to be known as the year when remote work became a reality. With the estimated number of worldwide coronavirus infections reaching 40 million by mid-October 2020, it does not appear like the end of social distancing activities is coming soon. A direct consequence of this outbreak is the enormous difficulties facing companies and their employees worldwide in preserving business continuity. In these tumultuous times, cloud computing has emerged as a literal savior in assuring business continuity and is witnessing rapid growth in adoption.

How is cloud computing helping individuals and organizations remain connected?

Although it is difficult for many businesses to adjust to the new standard, companies that have chosen to invest in a comprehensive cloud computing platform ahead of this pandemic are working well. In a remote environment, cloud computing lets employees and co-workers collaborate and communicate securely with each other.

Listed below are several ways in which cloud computing is helping companies during COVID-19

  • Enabling a remote workforce to remain connected: Governments worldwide have begun imposing lockdown orders on the population of entire towns, regions, and countries since March 2020. As a result, video conferencing platforms and virtual meeting apps within a limited period have increased. In June 2020, Zoom announced a year-on-year rise of 169 percent in its overall revenue because of the increased adoption of its platform globally. A direct corollary to this has been a massive rise in demand globally for internet bandwidth. These spikes in the market for bandwidth have never taken place before. Cloud computing has proved to be a real savior in such situations, as it is easier to tackle sudden bandwidth consumption increases in a cloud computing scenario.
  • Providing convenient access to online solutions for data backup: Management and storage of data can be prohibitively costly if on-premise servers are used in industry verticals such as healthcare, where data is a critical asset. Cloud computing can benefit you in such a scenario by offering access to rapidly scalable online backup data solutions. However, a direct consequence of the adoption of online storage solutions is that large companies have begun using online services such as Dropbox and Google Drive. Although such services are easy to use, the use of such third-party file sharing solutions poses inherent security risks. Data is typically taken beyond the IT framework of an entity, which means that it goes outside its control. Centrestack, which provides a cloud file server that improves file server mobility and simplifies remote access to data, provides a solution to such a security issue.
  • Enabling team members’ communication efficiency: Business collaboration used to include face-to-face contact in a central office environment before the pandemic. Such coordination and dedication have been crucial in ensuring that large teams have accomplished business goals. With the pandemic causing millions of office employees to work remotely, the business leaders are struggling to establish a similar degree of commitment among team members. Apps for cloud collaboration help to maximize performance and boost productivity. Such applications allow people to share or edit projects in different locations simultaneously. There are also in-built communication tools and access control rules in many such applications that allow selective access to information.


Covid-19 has brought about a paradigm change not only in human behavior but also in the way that cloud companies have accelerated computing adoption. Over the next few months, such a trend is expected to accelerate as more and more companies see the inherent advantages of cloud computing.