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Gone are the days when companies had all their information systems confined only to certain premises. Today, businesses depend on the internet and shared information systems more than ever before. And this puts them in a vulnerable position in matters of cybersecurity.

According to Gartner, “attacks on organizations in critical infrastructure sectors have increased dramatically, from less than 10 in 2013 to almost 400 in 2020 — a 3,900% increase.” This demands immediate attention from the organization towards cybersecurity.

While the threat is evident, dealing with cybersecurity is a costly affair and not all businesses can afford to invest in having a dedicated team in-house. Even if they did, most SMB’s simply cannot afford to have multiple IT staff trained in various IT and security disciplines, nor can they afford to send them away for training and certification every year. For companies like this, it makes sense for them to partner with a Managed Security Services Provider (MSSP) like MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.

Every day, businesses are decimated by cybercriminals. We are a team of elite cybersecurity specialists dedicated to your defence, so you can confidently lead your business into the future.


MYDWARE IT Solutions, Inc. is a trusted cybersecurity solution provider with over 20 years of experience. They are passionate about partnering with SMBs to safeguard their IT systems and data using cutting-edge tools, constant adaptation, and innovation. They function as their internal department, bringing all the skills, resources, and tools to manage and maintain their IT systems. As a service provider, they manage all key IT systems, vendors, ISPs, and hardware for the clients so they can focus on running and growing their business.

Not just this, they also provide VCIO services (Virtual Chief Information Officer) and attend high-level business strategy meetings with their clients where the focus is on their business’s long-term goals and technology, and they take an advisory role to help clients understand their IT infrastructure and budgets.

Changing environment

Speaking on how the situation has evolved around information systems Darryl Cresswell, President & CEO of MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc. said, “In the early days, protecting our clients was all about making sure our clients had antivirus and firewalls. It required only a few tools, and for the most part, it was ‘call us if something breaks or you need our help’. Fast-forward to 2022, and the landscape is completely different. Managed IT Services and Cybersecurity looks nothing like it used to. We now monitor our clients’ networks, computers, and backups 24/7/365 and we know about problems before our clients do. To stay relevant, we have to constantly invest in our people, our tools, and our methodology. Unfortunately, we still see a lot of IT companies doing IT support the way it was done 20 years ago. This leaves hundreds of thousands of SMB’s at risk, and it’s why we see story after story of companies being ransomed or breached.”

“The IT industry as a whole still needs to mature, and frankly, cybersecurity needs to be mandatory for every IT provider.”

Getting an edge over the competition

Answering our question on how MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc. has been able to stay ahead of its competition, Darryl said, “We practice what we preach.” They invest significant amounts of revenue into their people and tools. They carry proper cybersecurity insurance and have regular ongoing 3rd party penetration tests and cybersecurity audits done on their own IT systems to ensure they are protected. This is their commitment to their clients.

Members from the organization often travel to the USA to be a part of all major industry events, conferences, and trade shows. This has enabled them to learn from the best and the brightest, to collaborate with industry-leading peers, and to learn and share skills that help them to stay a step ahead of the bad guys. Their mission is to align technology with the needs of the clients while always walking a fine line between security and usability.

The biggest challenge they still face as an organization is educating business owners. A quality IT provider will invest in their own people and their own security before offering their services to others. This costs money, a lot of money, and it affects the price they sell their services for. This has evolved the firm over the years to take a more educational approach to the conversations they have with people. It’s taken time, but they’ve honed their craft and are in a position of strength, delivering a lot of value and peace of mind to their clients—that’s their mission.

Adding to this, Darryl said, “Our biggest deliverable is security and piece of mind.” We hear it from our clients all the time. We make them feel safe and protected. They love how fast and responsive we are when they need us, and knowing that we have their back lets them focus on growing and running their business. This makes for a win-win partnership and it aligns our clients’ goals with ours. “

Giving it back to the community

Helping keep people safe and protected has been a core value of MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc. since its inception. And they have made it their mission to ensure that the world remains a cyber literate place. For this reason, they always give away free advice, tips, and tricks across all their social channels to help keep people a step ahead of the bad guys. Cybersecurity is a community effort. Raising everyone’s security awareness posture is something they care a lot about. Beyond this, though, they also believe in giving back to their community, and every year they sponsor local charities and athletic teams to help kids thrive as well as play the sports they love. They feel fortunate to be in a position where they can help others and give back to the community, and it’s something that brings them a lot of joy.

Plans for the future

As a firm, MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc. is grateful for its success and knows it would not be possible were it not for their clients, and the trust they’ve placed in MYDWARE for well over 20 years. And answering our question on what the future looks like for the firm, Darryl said, “I plan to keep our company’s core values and the security and best interests of our clients at the forefront of every decision we make. You’ll continue to see us provide educational content to the community on our social channels, as we’ll continue to give back to our community and charities. We’ll continue to advance our skills, our investment in our people, and our commitment not only to our industry but to our clients. “

“Every day, businesses are decimated by cybercriminals. We are a team of elite cybersecurity specialists dedicated to your defence, so you can confidently lead your business into the future.”

Darryl Cresswell, CEO & President, MYDWARE IT Solutions Inc.


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